Friday, July 17, 2015

Design Flexibility of Growing and Transformable House in Malaysia

Keywords: Growing House; Design & Construction Flexibility; Traditional Malay House
Abstract. The ubiquitous terrace house is undeniably the most popular and affordable housing type in  Malaysia.  It  has  long  been  considered  as  one  of  the  densest  forms  of  property  development  and has  become  the  common  typology  of  accommodating  the  masses  for  this  country.  However,  in Malaysia  (like  other  third  world  countries),  the  design  of  a  house  has  never  grow  from  novelistic idea  of  style  and  revivalism.  As  stated  by  Tajuddin  Rasdi  (2003),  housing  in  Malaysia  has  been plague with various issues for decades. We are currently living separate and individual lives in the sea  of  congested  modern  housing  and  we  will  be  forever  plagued  by  the  mercy  of  crime,  climate, cultural  tensions  and  threats  from  accidents.  For  the  last  50  years  it  has  never  grown  to  create  the idea  of  community  and  fulfill  the  true  need  of  a  family  with  its  culture  and  context  called
'Malaysia .  Based  on  our  paper  N.  Utaberta  (2009),  we  have  identified  the  ability  of  traditional Malay house to grow and transform based on the need and interest of one family. This paper tries to study  and  evaluate  the  flexibility  of  a  low  rise  house  in  Malaysia.  It  will  explore  some  design  and construction framework based on the flexibility of our traditional (timber) Malay house of growing and transformable house.
The  main  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  identify  major  problems  that  occur  from  the  restriction  in growing  and  transformable  of  modern  housing  in  Malaysia.  This  process  of  identifying  is  very important for a need of a family as a basic element from a civilization to grow or being transformed into  one  different  form  of  family.  The  need  of  the  developement  and  transformation  of  a  family were  identified  and  filled  by  the  traditional  craftman  in  Malaya  since  a  long  time  ago  throughout their  architecture  approach  and  its  proofed  to  be  adapted  and  sensitve  to  the  culture  needs  and  the local spirit from a family. The structure itself will be divided into three (3) part; Crisis and problems in Modern Houses, Crisis and Problems for Modern Houses to Expand from a Family Perspective, Lesson  from  Malay  Traditional  Houses,  and  last  but  not  least;  Issue  and  Factor  That  Influence  the Consideration of the Expand House Design. It is expected that this paper will be inaugurating more in-depth study on this Malay  cultural heritage which proofed by thousands of  years experienced to be suitable with Malaysian culture and societal needs.
Modern housing problems to grow from point the view of a family    
Based our observation, there are at least four (4) main problems in present modern housing viewed from  the  family  perspective.  First  problem  was  the  fact  that  a  family  will  grow  and  reduces  in keeping  the  development  of  its  family  member,  second  problem  is  the  change  and  difference cultural between old generations and the young, third problem is family member expansion through family  marriage  and  relationship  while  the  last  problem  is  a  possibility  for  a  family  to  move  from one  place  to  another  place.  First  problem  is  a  problem  which  will  and  doubtless  happened  to  all family.  In  every  family,  child  will  definitely  grow  and  old  people  will  be  getting  older.  In  each children  life  phase  of  growing,  absolutely  they  need  different  approach  and  space  needs.  Children below  than  5  years  old  need  of  space  certainly  different  with  the  schooled  child  which  will  be totally  different  with  the  teenagers  and  college/university  student.  Modern  housing  latterly  is  less
of outside activities rather than the youth. So, they need luxurious external space outside the house but along with their development at the same time, probably they need luxurious room space by the time entering youthful age.  Because of the existing modern house does not have any mathematical elasticity or flexibility, it s very difficult for the owner to fulfill the needs of their child expansion demand of comfort life. Others model example comes from the age increase of the Gold Citizen or Old Citizen. At the age 30 or 40 year they could be healthy enough to climb up the staircase heading towards their room on top floor. However, entering an age of 50 or 60, their physical condition is not allowing their body to climb up the staircases. Therefore, a house need to adaptable and adjustable according to this need.  The increasing of family members such as newborn baby need to be considered in order to expand a house because a reserve space are needed to support the new family members.
Second serious problem is changeable and cultural difference between old and young generation. In planning a space so called a house, an architect need to be sensitive on the privacy and self expression of young generation especially the youth. Other perspective viewed, an old citizen as a matured generation. Throughout all their experiences, this generation are rich with knowledge and lesson.  They also need a place to deliver their experiences and lessons as well. Therefore, space planning for both generation need a special treatment. Without any smart solution both generation will face a very huge potential conflict as we can easily seen in our modern housing nowadays.
There is the third s problem to be considered in term of expanasion of a house; increasingly of family members throughout marriage and adoption. These two ways of increasing one family member will bring the outsider to be part in the house as well. Every family has their own method in treating their family member. It required a specific approach and different treatment to outsider which finally produce the need of specific space and grow. Last but not least; the last problem is a possibility for a family to move from one place to another place.  Those needs are very important in a family for not being static and passively at one place forever. Many factor influenced a migration family, whether workplace transfer factor, natural disaster, children ' school planning or opportunity to increase family economic status which eventually give some implication on the planning of a house.  House should be flexible to easily manage, redecorating, and transferrable in order to fulfill the needs.
Lessons from traditional malay house
In traditional Malay house architecture as it s proven to sustain for hundreds of years, the usage of mathematical basic principle is common and not new instead.  Human body such as foot and head has been used as a basic concept in term of balancing a house design which represent as pillar or column, wall, floor and roof. There are various measure systems to build up Malay house such as fathom, cubit, span, finger and knock. That measurement usage is different between each house and it is referring to 'rumah ibu  measurement; a woman being a wife and mother to the children of the house. Tray usage is closely related with the space function as celebration space. By using tray as basic measurement system, number of guests could be loaded into that space can be organized during construction of a house. Apart from tray, also found Malay house which use 'Nipah  roof as basic measurement system. 'Nipah  roof production is uniform (about 5 foot) and the usage of those materials as basic measurement system could avoid cutting during the construction (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. The Design of Malay house was base on balancing of concept human body, Source: Centre for Study in Built Environment in the Malay world (KALAM), University Technology Malaysia.
Design and Malay house construction also based on organic concept which enables it changed whether in size form or the location. In terms of size, the increasing of economical stage is lead to largest and gorgeous house instead. A large Malay house construction such as 12 columns and 16 columns could be constructed gradually because of module basis design. Hence, in construction process, the original house will be remained and will be connected with the other new unit using
'selang . Malay house flexibility is not limited on expanding the house but it also works to reduce the sapce according to the needs.  For example, head of a family decade ago will give part of the house to their son as gift for their new marriage. Therefore, the unit gave by the head will be lifted up and move to a new site by the vilagers arround.
Instead of lifting up, Malay house also can be transferred by separating the component one by one. Malay house construction system which uses wood construction material and joined using peg and joint, enable it to be opened and fitted back without damaging the original design. As a conclusion, the sensitivity to the balance aspect in Malay traditional society, practicality, and flexibility has motivated themselves in created a simple mathematical theory in design and construction of the Malay traditional house (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Traditional Malay house was move from its old site to the new site, Source: Abdul Halim Nasir 1985
Design frameworks, issue and influenced factor for the design of transformable and growing house As a product from Malay traditional house as mentioned previously, a few principles and design framework would have to be considered in expansion design houses framework. Those frameworks and  issue  are  material  selection,  elasticity  of  the  space  and  space  shape  selection,  structural extension system study or jointing and study on social condition and Malay and sensitivity society ' culture on site and context. Hoped this short discussion could provide early framework and start a deeper study that contribute on the better design expansion in the future
Material selection
Material selection was most important element in growing and transformable house application. Material selection is one of very crucial element because through the material selection, growing and transformable house flexibility can be decided. Material selection of brick and masonry seemed to be less appropriate for housing in Malaysia as it s not very well blended with the weather and climatic conditions of this region. This material even complicates the process to change a form or grow of a house. Wood was most suitable material choice and potential to be used in Malaysia house. With an accurate and detailed study, various weaknesses on wood such as strength aspects, ability to sustain on weather and shape selection and specification, wood will become a very important material choice and useful for this expanded house concept.
Elasticity of space and shape selection
Other factor and framework, elasticity from the space and space shape selection also need to be considered in expansion framework and proposition of expanded houses design. Mies Van De Rohe
has done a open space concept and grid shape selection and could be a accurate reference in choosing a flexible space and more congenial form.
Extension or joint structure system
The other factor that needs to be considered for a growing house is understanding and accurate study on joint system and construction system.  Joint system is one of the key components in order to enable a house to be developed and the element could be jointed and rearranged. With a detail study and deeply into the joint system or in Malay traditional house so called as 'tanggam' , a growing process and rearrange of a house could be made accurate and efficiently in term of strengthens or financing.
Deep study on social condition and society culture Issue and main frame that does not trifling for expansion a house is a deep study on social condition and culture from society which would use and staying in the house. With a deep study, description on social culture and condition from a society, we will identify daily pattern, need and character from family unit from society live at the house. Understanding on daily pattern, this social need and condition would be administering us enough ingredients for planning of space in a house together with daily rhythm and the possibility of expansion.

Sensitivity on site and context
Last but not least, very important factor is sensitivity on site and context. Principally, this last issue akin previous issue and factor, however if previous factor more see on aspects not physical, so this last factor is more focus on physical aspect from the site environment itself.  Method and approach used by carefully putting a mass building and chose material and construction method has to be considered and exemplified in a expansion house in order to achieve a positive interaction with surrounding site.
From description above, standing out that traditional Malay house has own potential and ability to develop nicely with still defend the sensitivity and good relationship with surrounding community, from culture social aspect or the pragmatic need. With a perusal and detail research by involving various knowledge disciplines such as mathematics, engineering, material and sociology and anthropology, potential in this expanded traditional Malay house would be able to give a very mean contribution in planning and modern housing design.
[1] Tajuddin Rasdi , Housing Crisis in Malaysia: Back to a Humanistic Agenda, Centre for Study in
Built Environment in the Malay world (KALAM), University Technology Malaysia, 2003
[2] Utaberta N, (2009) Growing House: Lesson from Mathematical Flexibility of Traditional Malay
House, 2009
[3] Lim Jee Yuan: The Malay House: Rediscovering Malaysia s Indigenous Shelter System, Institut
Masyarakat, 1981
[4] N.A Halim. Pengenalan  Rumah  Tradisional  Melayu  Semenanjung  Malaysia. Darulfikir. Kuala

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